Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
Here, we [NBC News] fact check the various announcements Trump has sought to take credit for. Source: Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
Here, we [NBC News] fact check the various announcements Trump has sought to take credit for. Source: Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
A slew of “alternative facts” — in the words of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway — have been perpetuated by the Trump administration since taking office. Source: Wiretapping And 5 More Trump Falsehoods : NPR
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday acknowledged that President Trump erroneously blamed the Obama administration for releasing 122 “vicious” prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Source: White House corrects Trump’s erroneous Gitmo…