Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
Here, we [NBC News] fact check the various announcements Trump has sought to take credit for. Source: Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
Here, we [NBC News] fact check the various announcements Trump has sought to take credit for. Source: Fact Check: How Many Jobs Has Trump Created? – NBC News
A slew of “alternative facts” — in the words of Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway — have been perpetuated by the Trump administration since taking office. Source: Wiretapping And 5 More Trump Falsehoods : NPR
White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday acknowledged that President Trump erroneously blamed the Obama administration for releasing 122 “vicious” prisoners from the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Source: White House corrects Trump’s erroneous Gitmo…
The National Park Service on Monday released dozens of official aerial and ground photographs of President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony in January as well as images from former president Barack Obama’s inaugurations in 2009 and…
The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, asked the Justice Department this weekend to publicly reject President Trump’s assertion that President Barack Obama ordered the tapping of Mr. Trump’s phones, senior American officials said on Sunday….
Roger Stone, a confidant to President Donald Trump and former adviser to his campaign, acknowledged late Saturday that he had a “back channel” to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, amid mounting reports that multiple advisers to…
Oh, the irony.Hillary Clinton was spotted Friday afternoon doing some reading on a commercial American Airlines flight traveling from Logan Airport in Boston to LaGuardia in New York. In the photo below, Clinton sits in a…
President Donald Trump mocked the Democrats pushing the ongoing probe of his campaign’s ties to Russia by posting a photo of Vladimir Putin having a doughnut and a coffee with New York Senator Chuck Schumer.Calling…
By simplifying gerrymandering we see how problematic it really is. Source: This is the best explanation of gerrymandering you will ever see – The Washington Post
Trump seemed to indicate that he felt some of the threats were being made from the inside, as part of an effort “to make others look bad.” Source: Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading anti-Semitic…